55 Powerful Sustainability Quotes to Spark Eco-Friendly Action

We all recognize the importance of our planet’s health and the urgent need to protect it. With that in mind, I’ve gathered a series of sustainability quotes that promise to inspire and motivate us toward action. What follows is a carefully curated collection of wisdom from renowned leaders and thinkers, each emphasizing the critical need for sustainable living and preserving our environment for future generations.

Inspirational Sustainability Quotes

sustainability quote that says we do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. It's an image of land, then water and a huge sky with a sunset.

“Sustainability is no longer about doing less harm. It’s about doing more good.” – Jochen Zeitz

“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” – Robert Swan

“Sustainability requires maintaining life-supporting natural capital in order for our socioeconomic goals to be met.” – Warren Flint

“The future will either be green or not at all.” – Bob Brown

“What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.” – Mahatma Gandhi

sustainability quote that says there is no such thing as away. when we throw anything away it must go somewhere.

“It is our collective and individual responsibility … to preserve and tend to the world in which we all live.” – Dalai Lama

“Sustainability is about ecology, economy and equity.” – Ralph Bicknese

“If we do not act now, there is no world which will be left to us by our forefathers.” – Kailash Satyarthi

“The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.” – Lady Bird Johnson

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Do you want to live a less-toxic, more eco-friendly lifestyle but have no idea where to begin? Here’s our “Non-Toxic 101” guide to get you started today!

“Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” – Brundtland Commission

sustainability quote with a massive sunset over water washed in orange. the quote says only when the last tree has died and the last river been posoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money

“Planetary health and sovereignty can only be achieved through the principles of equity, ecological integrity, and the democratization of landscapes.” – Unknown

“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” – Jane Goodall

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“We must be the change we wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“Nature doesn’t need people. People need nature.” – Harrison Ford

sustainability quote that says we dont have to engage in grand, heroic actions to aprticpate in the process of change. small acts, when multiplied by millions of people can transform the world. Its overlayed on green leaves.

“Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land.” – Aldo Leopold

“Sustainability is the key to our survival on this planet and will also determine success on all levels.” – Shari Arison

“Sustainability takes forever. And that’s the point.” – William McDonough

“The ultimate test of man’s conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of thanks will not be heard.” – Gaylord Nelson

“Our planet’s alarm is going off, and it is time to wake up and take action!” – Leonardo DiCaprio

eco friendly quote that says he that plants trees loves others beside himself. It's a tree lined path.

“To waste, to destroy our natural resources, to skin and exhaust the land instead of using it so as to increase its usefulness, will result in undermining in the days of our children the very prosperity which we ought by right to hand down to them amplified and developed.” – Theodore Roosevelt

“The good life of the future will be in cities, but it will not be like the cities we know today. It must be one where nature and cities are interwoven, not disparate.” – Unknown

“Sustainability is not just about adopting the latest energy-efficient technologies or turning to renewable sources of power. Sustainability is about changing our mindset and optimizing the way we live.” – Unknown

“Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises.” – Pedro Calderón de la Barca

“We won’t have a society if we destroy the environment.” – Margaret Mead

“Sustainable development is the pathway to the future we want for all. It offers a framework to generate economic growth, achieve social justice, exercise environmental stewardship and strengthen governance.” – Ban Ki-moon

“The Earth does not belong to us: we belong to the Earth.” – Marlee Matlin

“Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment.” – Unknown

“Environmental sustainability doesn’t mean living without luxuries but rather being aware of your resource consumption and reducing unnecessary waste.” – Unknown

“Climate change is the biggest threat to our chances of winning the fight against poverty.” – Ban Ki-moon

“Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Cut down on what you throw away. Follow the three “R’s” to conserve natural resources and landfill space.” – Unknown

“A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

“The first rule of sustainability is to align with natural forces, or at least not try to defy them.” – Paul Hawken

“Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” – Albert Einstein

“When you use resources in a way that’s sustainable, it means you’re thinking about the future, not just the present.” – Unknown

“Sustainability is not a fixed state but a process of constant adaptation and improvement.” – Unknown

“The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction.” – Rachel Carson

“Sustainable development requires human ingenuity. People are the most important resource.” – Dan Shechtman

“Building a sustainable future is literally about building the structures, the societies, the economies that can continue forward.” – Unknown

“If you think the economy is more important than the environment, try holding your breath while you count your money.” – Dr. Guy McPherson

“We have forgotten how to be good guests, how to walk lightly on the earth as its other creatures do.” – Barbara Ward

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” – Albert Einstein

“The earth is a fine place and worth fighting for.” – Ernest Hemingway

“Change is never easy, but always possible.” – Barack Obama

“Living sustainably means realizing that small choices can have a big impact on our environment.” – Unknown

“One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.” – William Shakespeare

“Sustainability should be a design principle, not an afterthought.” – Unknown

In wrapping up this collection of sustainability quotes, it’s clear that the path to a healthier planet lies in our hands. These quotes are a nudge towards making small, significant changes in our everyday lives.

Do you have a favorite sustainability quote? Let us know in the comments!

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